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Causes of Rust of NdFeB Magnet and Its Avoidance
release time:Jun 11,2021 【Font:Big Medium Small


NdFeB magnets put a period of time after the surface will appear white or other colors of the spots, and slowly develop into a rust, generally under normal circumstances, the plating magnet coating is not easy to rust, there are generally the causes of rust the following situations :

1. Magnet stored in the wet, poor air circulation, temperature changes in place;

2. Magnets in the surface of the dirt before the plating is not a good cleaning;

3. plating time is not enough or process problems;

4. Magnet sealing caused by the packaging of the magnet oxidation;

NdFeB strong magnet qualified plating products, under normal circumstances, the magnet plating coating surface should not appear rust. NdFeB magnets should avoid the following storage methods:

In areas that are too humid or poorly ventilated, they may produce rusty stains even if the product has been stored in a harsh environment for long periods of time. When the electroplating products stored in the harsh environment, the basal layer of further reaction with the condensed water, will cause the base layer and the coating of the lower binding force, will cause serious localized powder base, and then from the skin. Plating products should not be placed in a long-term high humidity, should be placed in a cool, dry place.